Dentures Dentist

DenturesDenture Procedures, Options & Details

The River Landing Dentistry team has the experience and credentials you’re looking for when considering a dentist for your dentures.


Dedicated to life-long learning.

Our dentists have averaged triple the required continuing education credit hours (per licensing period) throughout their careers; the minimum requirements for the state of South Carolina are 28 continuing education credit hours per licensing period!

A Top Rated Dental Practice for Dentures Serving Charleston with locations in Daniel Island and Nexton.

“Just moved here and having had only 2 dentist work on me in my 56 years was thrilled with my experience here. Loved all of the staff. The Dr was very thorough in her exam and recommendations. I hope to be a long term patient.”

Liz W.River Landing Dentistry Patient


Dr. Rebeca Zechmann


Dr. Ravi Patel


Dr. Jennifer Stokes


Charleston’s Choice Dentists

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Dentures & Treatment Options For Missing Teeth

Cavities, periodontal disease and most dental problems can be avoided with proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dental office. Or at least treated on time to prevent further damage and more complex rehabilitations. However, sometimes the damage is already too extensive, and dentists have no choice but to indicate extractions. Luckily, our team also has the right tools to restore oral health after the surgery, and one of the options to replace missing teeth are dental prosthetics.

River Landing Dentistry offers both partial and full dentures. Each type of denture has its specific indications, so if you think you might be a suitable candidate for any of these treatments, we invite you to read this section and schedule a consultation with our dentists!


Photo features a hand holding an immediate full denture (false teeth).

Different types of dentures

At River Landing Dentistry, we understand the impact that tooth loss can have on both oral and overall health. Apart from affecting your appearance and self-esteem, missing teeth have severe consequences on the oral cavity:

Affects the speech and chewing and biting ability.

Produces tooth migration (what complicates future treatment).

Prompts bone resorption.

Increases the risk of temporomandibular joint disorder.

That’s why we are delighted to offer different treatment alternatives to find an option that meets your needs. Removable dentures – either partial or full dentures – are the most accessible and straightforward solution for those patients that have lost multiple or all teeth.

Full Dentures

What are full dentures?

A full denture is a removable prosthetic device that replaces all missing teeth of a dental arch. Both fake teeth and fake gums are entirely made of high-quality acrylic, and the upper denture also has an artificial acrylic palate that improves retention.

Dentures are kept in place mainly by natural suction, so most patients need to use dental adhesives for more comfort. Still, the retention and stability can be a bit deficient from time to time, especially when the dentures don’t fit properly. That’s why we offer those patients looking for more comfortable alternatives to evaluate another option: implant-retained dentures.

How can dental implants help retain full dentures?

Implant-retained dentures (also known as implant-supported or snap-in dentures) are an excellent solution for those patients missing all teeth in a dental arch. It is a more complex procedure, but it offers countless benefits. The dental implants surgically placed along the arch vastly improve stability and retention, resulting in a more functional, durable and comfortable denture.

However, it is essential to highlight that not all patients can get implants straight away – especially those who have lost their teeth a long time ago. Dental implants require appropriate density and quantity of bone tissue, so patients interested in this type of denture will first need to find out if they are suitable candidates. For that purpose, X-rays and 3D studies are often performed.

Partial Dentures

Patients that have lost one or more teeth should think about teeth replacement options as soon as possible to maintain oral health. It is not only for esthetic reasons: missing teeth have many consequences on the normal functioning of the oral cavity.

There are many treatment alternatives available these days – dentists and patients should work closely to determine the best course of treatment. A convenient option for those who still have healthy teeth in their dental arches is partial dentures.

What is a partial denture?

Partial dentures replace multiple teeth in a dental arch. These dentures can be entirely acrylic (like full dentures) or made of a custom-made metal framework that strengthens the denture. This choice will depend on the patient’s will and the number of healthy teeth remaining. Although some people may dislike the idea of wearing metal devices in their mouths, this material has many advantages. The metal used for these dentures is thinner and more resistant than acrylic, so they are more comfortable and durable than the traditional ones.

Just like full dentures, partial dentures are removable and fit snugly over the gums to fill the gaps of missing teeth with fake, acrylic ones. The main difference is that these dentures use the remaining healthy teeth for retention and support, achieving more comfort and stability than complete ones.

Why should I choose partial dentures?

Partial dentures are an affordable and simple solution to multiple tooth loss. Most dental insurance plans cover its cost (at least partially), so patients only pay a minimal fee out of their pockets. They are one of the most convenient alternatives taking into account how simple and easy to care for they are.

How much do partial dentures cost?

It is hard to estimate a cost as it depends on the number of teeth to replace and the dental insurance that the patient has. We advise our patients to schedule a consultation and ask our receptionists about the benefits they are entitled to with their insurance cards. At River Landing Dentistry, we look after our patients’ oral health, and we want to ensure that they get the dental attention they deserve

If you are looking for a convenient solution for tooth loss, please contact our team at River Landing Dentistry. We will be happy to assess you, and together we will find the teeth replacement treatment that meets your needs!


Photo features a hand holding a partial denture (false teeth).

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Full dentures that snap onto implants

Not so long ago, patients who lost all teeth in a dental arch didn’t have many options. The alternatives were just two: either a full denture, rather old-fashioned and slightly uncomfortable, or a full-mouth implant restoration, which can be out of budget for many patients.

Fortunately, at River Landing Dentistry, we offer a more convenient treatment that combines the best of both worlds: Snap-In dentures. These dentures have been gaining popularity over the last few years: they are the perfect combination between traditional full dentures and dental implants. Snap-In dentures prevent bone resorption and are as comfortable as a full-mouth implant restoration, but their procedure is much more affordable and straightforward – the benefits of traditional dentures.

Video 01:00 | The area of dentistry specializing in mouth restorations is known as Prosthodontics. They are skilled in dental work such as crowns, bridges and dentures.

Snap-In dentures’ procedure is quite simple. First, our dentist places two to four implants along the dental arch. When the wound heals, special abutments will be fit in the implants, which will later be connected to small accessories located in the denture’s base. Once the implants are firmly integrated into the jawbone (four to six months later), our dentist will take impressions and send them to the dental lab, where the snap-in dentures are manufactured. In the meantime, patients will be wearing temporary acrylic dentures.

We advise patients interested in this treatment to visit the dental office for evaluation. This might include a clinical examination and 3D studies – our team needs to determine if they have sufficient bone tissue to be suitable candidates.

Same Day Extractions and Dentures

Do you need multiple dental extractions but are worried about how your smile will look? At River Landing Dentistry, we have a solution for you. We offer patients with this concern the perfect treatment alternative: immediate dentures. In this treatment, dentists place a complete denture right after performing the teeth extractions – all in the same session. It allows patients to skip the toothless period when they wait for the gum tissue to heal, which generally takes several weeks.

The preparation for immediate dentures starts long before the teeth extractions. The denture should be ready for the day of the surgery, so patients need to come to the office several weeks before to have impressions taken. The dental lab will create stone models of their dental arches, manually “remove” the teeth that will be extracted, and create the denture. Because of this, it is expected that the denture won’t have the perfect fit from day one, and even more if we consider that the gums shrink after healing. So patients interested in this type of treatment need to know that the denture might require adjustments soon and that it will likely need to be replaced sometime in the near future.

Read more and find Snap-In Denture and All-on-4 on the Dental Implants page.

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